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Parution : Twenty-First-Century Perspectives on British Travel Writing: Decentring Epistemologies
Le 25 mars 2025
Parution de l'ouvrage Twenty-First-Century Perspectives on British Travel Writing: Decentring Epistemologies dirigé par Anne-Florence Quaireau (CIRPaLL), Samia Ounoughi et Emmanuelle Peraldo.
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Table des matières :
Jean Viviès
Samia Ounoughi, Emmanuelle Peraldo, Anne-Florence Quaireau
“More than Just a Travel Book.” Regarding Travel Writing.
Tim Youngs
Chapter 1. From the Visited Place to the Visitor’s Gaze: Decentering Perspectives on Nice and its Region in Smollett’s Travels through France and Italy (1766)
Nathalie Bernard
Chapter 2. Women Travellers Decentering ‘the South’ through Nordicity: Mary Wollstonecraft, the Wilmot Sisters and Elizabeth Rigby Eastlake
Stéphanie Gourdon
Chapter 3. Unearthing Imperial Matters: a Postcolonial and Ecocritical Reading of Louisa Anne Meredith's Notes and Sketches of New South Wales (1844) and My Home in Tasmania during a Residence of Nine Years (1852)
Vanessa Alayrac-Fielding
Chapter 4. “A broader, truer glimpse of existence”: Ella Sykes’s Post-Romantic, Affective Realism in Through Persia on a Side-Saddle (1898)
Julia Kuehn
Chapter 5. A Geopoetic Approach to fin de siècle Adventure Travel Writing: R. L. Stevenson and Joseph Conrad as Writer-Geographers
Julie Gay
Chapter 6. Travel Writing and Engineering: Experiential and Textual Hybridity in the Works of David and Robert Louis Stevenson
Kevin Cristin
Chapter 7. Photography in Isabella Bird’s Asian Travel Accounts: the Birth of a Personal Practice and Renewal of a Genre
Floriane Reviron-Piégay
Chapter 8. Tristram Shandy goes to Greece: Patrick Leigh Fermor’s Mani (1958)
Anne Rouhette
Chapter 9. “Black flight-feathers spread like tight-rope-walkers’ fingers:” Walking, Flying, and Reading the Sonorous World with Patrick Leigh Fermor
Isabelle Keller-Privat
Chapter 10. Harbingers of Taste: Mid-Twentieth Century Women’s Food-Focused Travel Writings as a new Paradigm in Travel Writings and their Studies
Virginia Terry Sherman
Chapter 11. The Quest for the Lost Parrot: Trivial Travel in Julian Barnes’s Flaubert’s Parrot
Christian Gutleben
Chapter 12. Writing “Countertravels” and Decolonising Environmental Epistemologies in Jamaica Kincaid’s Among Flowers: A Walk in the Himalaya
Pauline Amy de la Bretèque
Chapter 13. Travel Writing as a Conscious Reading of the World: an Ecocritical Approach of Henry Russell-Killough and Kev Reynolds' texts
Françoise Besson
Chapter 14. “‘The Land Looks Empty.’ – Writing the Far East in Colin Thubron’s The Amur (2021)”
Jan Borm
Chapter 15. Can Travel-Writing be Decolonised?: A Flat Place (2023) by Noreen Masud
Jaine Chemmachery